Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving 2012

Just Checking in to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! For those who celebrate, and for the ones that don't HAPPY THURSDAY!!

I hope you are all going to spend some quality time with the family and be thankful of having them. And for those who will spend it with friends you too are very lucky to have them and to enjoy an awesome day and special date with them all.

I am thankful today, and every day to have you all guys and to have loving family and friends that support me and are there every step of the way. I am thankful too to have awesome teachers and the possibility to learn from the best.

How funny is this cartoon?! love it
picture from here

There are many things to be thankful for, take into consideration that sometimes are the small things that count and make you smile.

I would like to take a moment to commemorate all the loved ones that have passed this year, and that left a huge impact on us and to pray for them to be happy where they are now.

What are you guys thankful for?

Saturday, November 17, 2012

BCBGMaxAzria coming your way!

This week I was driving to university when I saw a huge add by my local mall (for those of you living in Lima it is Jockey Plaza) that just caught my eye instantly, don't worry I did not crashed or anything...We were stopped because of a traffic jam (the usual you get here at 6 in the afternoon). 

BCBGMAXAZRIA is getting a corner in Ripley. I am in love that we are getting more and more things to choose from and options are getting broader and perfect. 

pictures from here

Some of my favorite pieces above. 

I just wanted to let you guys know that you are going to be able to purchase them here locally! which is awesome. 

tell me what you think? I hope you are going to love it <3 

Friday, November 16, 2012

TGIF! people vlogging everyday?

Hi guys! 

I am so excited because lately some of my favorite people are vlogging every day!! Say WHAT? yes, some of my favorite YouTube vloggers are doing this and it all started this week! plus, one of them has an awesome Mercedes-Benz! 

My week has just been made! and I love to procrastinate in a way, so that is perfect!! 

Blair Fowler's daily videos! here is the first one if you want to watch!

ps. how cute is teddy?

andddd Jen Ross's Vlogidays 2012!! also, first video if you want to watch it :)

yup, youtube gone wild! and ofcourse there is wayyyy more people vlogging every day! but just a couple of examples from my subscription box. 

I hope you enjoyed this! 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday the 13th.

For some people this date might mean bad luck...for's just a date, but for some reason, bad luck seems to be a possibility! I have a really big test, I have to read way too much, but decided to write this post instead hahahaha <3

I'm a procrastinator at heart, what else can I say? but aren't we all a little?

here is one thing I am waiting for desperately!


which means this.....

THANK GOD FOR 9GAG!! they seem to have every single meme of life. 
and THIS....

picture from here

have a good day :) 

Friday, November 9, 2012

TGIF fall/spring

OMG you guys! I am so tired of these weeks already! but luckily it's going to be over soon! 

I have some exciting news to announce in a couple of weeks! I am just waiting for it to actually happen. 

Meanwhile, i hope your week has been awesome and full of new experiences and that you had a good time learning and spending the days enjoying your fall weather (here where I live is just crazy...the sun comes out but at night it gets freezing cold! just decide already crazy weather!!) 

Pretty picture right? I loved it. It belongs here

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Craving: Breakfast at Tiffany's

Today, I've tackled up 2 proyects! yey! 

But now that it is the afternoon and I am a bit tired of everything (well...of the majority of things) I feel like relaxing for a bit, I love, love love love to watch some old movies, and by old I mean timeless. One of them is Breakfast at Tiffany's. I adore it, I can relax so much with it and have a nice time. And I've never realized that if you part Holly's last name, you get GO Lightly, you get it? hahaha I felt kindda silly not noticing it before! 

This is a very short post, but I wanted to stop by and say HI! so HI! 

enjoy your day! 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Weekend Favorites + Update

Happy Monday Everyone!

I had a super nice and busy weekend! I did a cleaning spree at home plus catching up on school work, studying for tests and you name it! 

As November settling in, my schedule has become soooooo hectic! University is only a month to be over for this semester and I can feel the heat now!! I have 3 tests this week, and 2 projects to turn in. Yeah, fun stuff, I know! 

I am going cray cray with all the stuff I need to get doing that I feel I will be kind of posting less so pleaseee don't be mad?! :) I will pop every few days with some post and updates on how my life is getting like all jumbled up hahaha

For now, I will leave you with 5 of my favorite things from this past weekend: 

1) Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate (so good and cozy for the nights that you have to study your butt off) Check the recipe here: 

2) Revlon's nail polish in Flirt

Nice picture right? credits go to YourBeautyFashionFitness blog
3) Faber-Castell Yellow Highlighter

Picture from here
4) Cheetah Print Sleeping mask (to get a good night sleep) 
Sorry for the really dark picture! My BlackBerry hates me that much 

5) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Picture from here

Friday, November 2, 2012

TGIF: The Man Repeller dose

Lately, I've been crazy reading new blogs that came across my sight. Some are super new and some are THE statements of the era. I just love coming across new things for me to keep me entertained and just to have my dose of beauty and fashion related things. What can I say? I'm just that crazy (I'm a girly girl, what did you expect?) 

I came across this picture in the front page of Vogue. com! 

The Man Repeller, one of the most fashion forward blog into encouraging you to wear fashion how you like it using statement pieces and in the moment fashion pieces too, she has the most bizarre fashion sense but she has a talent of making it work. Like actually work. If you haven't come across Leadra Medine's site, well, I am telling you right now, that you need to go and read it ASAP. I came across Man Repeller a couple of months ago when I saw her in one of the Rebecca Minkoff videos, Rebecca Minkoff Fashion Week Boot Camp  and thought she was so hilarious that I had to look what else she did, and yes, I fell for The Man Repeller (isn't it getting annoying, me repeating things over and over again? sorry!) and it's been great! She gives a lot of her personality in the site and OWNS it.

So I thought of sharing this blog and hope you enjoy it and see what things she does with fashion that you might think "oh no, but oh well".

Happy Friday and enjoy the beginning of the weekend! 



picture from here. check out the story there.
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