Monday, October 29, 2012

October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

I know this month is almost over, like in 2 days, but I just had to write how I have dealt with close cases in my own family. 

Breast cancer is something you might think that might never happen to you or the people you love the most. But just to let you know, cancer doesn't recognize and select people. It can happen to you, to a stranger, a friend, anyone really. 

My story, well the story of my family, begins when I was 6 years old. My father's sister (my very loved auntie) was detected breast cancer at a very advanced stage. There was nothing to be done, she had just to wait and see what happened. My cousin was left devastated, she lost her mom at a very early age. she was only 10. 

My mom's cousin, the mom of my best friend and my very own cousin, was detected breast cancer too, when we both were 10. 4 years later after loosing my other aunt. I couldn't believe it. It was hard, but luckily doctors detected it while it was at an early stage. She received Chemo-therapy and went through 2 surgical procedures to remove the tumor. It all went great, she is still with us and has a pretty good quality of life. She is a survivor. Now she has officially beaten cancer, she has 12 years with no sign of a new flourishing cancer cells. She is with us. 

A year ago, one of my grandma's sisters, they are 8 siblings and which 7 are women, received the diagnose that she had a 5 cm tumor in her right breast. She had cancer. In the family we all thought that this couldn't be happening. 10 years later after having one member being a survivor, another one got sick. Just our luck. Very difficult news. She received Chemo-therapy, underwent surgical procedures, and received radio-therapy. She had some complications because of the surgeries, but she is here with us. She really is. Now she is helping one of her daughters to prepare for her move. She couldn't be better. 

After a few months that we got the news of my aunt's diagnose, we were still trying to process it. When something else occurred. My grandma went to the doctor to her annual check up. They detected she had a small bump in her left breast. She had it tested. It was cancer. 2 cases in a row, inside our family. We were still not used to it. 

This last case is very close, I live with her, I see what she's going through,  I hate it, and at the same time, I can't face the fact that she is not her normal self. It is true when they say cancer affects the whole family not just the sick member of it. 

The moods, the stress, the faces you have to handle are just all combined and makes it more difficult. I can speak about this experience from my point of view and the perspective of what we are going through. They say that people need to make a good environment, always keep the problems aside, but let me tell you, saying it is easier than actually doing so. You have to be strong, but when you are crushed in the inside, it becomes more difficult by the day. 

Even though you want to cry, you have to suck it up and put a mask, trying to make the mood less charged and lighten it up. It is so different from what you hope it to be.

I love my grandma, I couldn't imagine how it would be without her. But luckily, she is recovering well, I see her more like herself. She underwent 2 surgeries at the beginning to remove the tumor. She received Chemotherapy and now she is receiving her radiotherapy. She ends her treatment mid November. She will be fine. She is fine. 

With this post, I am trying to say, that it is important to prevent it. There are many webpages, centers that you can go to, hospitals and else where that can guide you on how you can detect it early so that you can get a fast solution. 

Breast cancer can attack anyone, and has no distinction on age. The earlier you discover something, the faster you can treat it and make it less harmful to your health. 

Share the awareness, live right. 



picture from here

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