Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Gossip Girl's Final Season

Is anyone else as sad as me that my most cherished TV series is coming to an end? Is it just me? I want to know. 

Three episodes in the new and final season and I am already feeling that hole in my existence from knowing I won't have it back after that. I will most definitely miss a lot of things from the show. Some of them have been already portrayed in the Wetpaint site (you can get a scoop there!)

Now, for the real deal. My  best friend and I have self-proclaimed somewhat as the real life S and B. You might figure out who is S (me) and who is B (her). We have a friendship that has lasted for so long that we truly ARE family. I would never think about telling her that we are not going to be close or friends any more (I couldn't live with that)...We've had our fair share of fights through our lives too, and who wouldn't with 15 years of knowing each other!? Yet together we stand, and we like scheming as much as B and S do. So yes,  there might be others that state the same as us, but we like to think there is no friendship like ours! Well enough with me and my bestie, on we go with this memorable post. 

To be honest, the first couple of episode made me a little uneasy, with Blair all "old-school" and Serena all "grown up". The spice of them was just not there yet. And that promise (a very naive one if you ask me) between B and C that they have to find peace on their unfinished business for them to be able to go strong as  a couple (Ok, I'll admit that it is kind of cute and romantic and very hearts and flowers kind of pact) Oh and the engagement ring? That one is even cuter! 

Gossip Girl Music — Songs From Season 6 Episode 3 “Dirty Rotten Scandals”

This new episode (careful! Spoilers coming!) just made me reconnect! The old Gossip Girl was here! And the scheming continued, but from the newbie Sage that is..well..doing Nate. I think her character is what the producers said to be Gossip Girl coming full circle. She has the power at Constance, she is Serena and Blair in one with little hint of Georgina and Little J. She's got the older girls rounding up their minds! 

What about Dan? I just hope he knows what he is doing. I think he has become what he always despised. One of those manic, manipulative, rich and spoiled kids from the Upper East Side (well without the money anyways). And Georgina...Seriously? That was an unexpected combination to see (honestly, not so unexpected) 

Dan and Georgina in Gossip Girl Season 6, Episode 2 "High Infidelity"

Chuck Bass, what can I say about him? He is gorgeous, he is rich, he is now the gentleman with his girl and he is just breathtakingly HOT. I want him to finish all his business and just be with Blair already!!!

The highlight of this episode: "DOROTA! I'm feverish!" After Chuck was with her and left her..well..hanging. 

Official Synopsis for Gossip Girl Season 6, Episode 5, “Monstrous Ball”: Chuck’s Mission to Expose Bart’s Secrets Leads Him to [Spoiler]

What do you think about Nelly Yuki being back and as Bad as it can get? She has the power in her hands to make Blair tumble and fall (just like the London Bridge), will she be able to get her "revenge" and conquer? I am seriously looking forward to see what happens! 

Serena and Nelly Yuki Front and Center in Season 6 Episode 3 "Dirty Rotten Scandals"

I think I will wrap this post up, or else it will have to be a complete story book from me! 

As the series go on, I will most definitely continue writing about it! I am super excited to see what else happens but also very much sad about it. 

And what I'll miss the most? this phrase: 

"Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite.....You know you love me, XOXO, Gossip Girl" 



picture from here


  1. I love Gossip Girl. Unfortunately I haven't been able to catch much of it since the third season! Lol! I was able to watch the first episode of this season (and boy did I miss some stuff! Haha)

    Love the blog.
    Follow mine back?

    1. you need to keep up with it! after the 3rd season it gets really intense and more exciting than ever!
      i'm checking you blog now!<3
      thanks for the love!


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