Saturday, July 28, 2012

Reading spree

Hey everyone!

I have lately been downloading books to read and it's been madness. I love reading, and with university and all my work that I have to do I have been a little left behind on my love for it. I started by reading the Fifty Shades Trilogy, because of all the buzz that it has been causing and did not regretted it at all, I can see why the buzz was all about. Now I have been concentrating on re-reading some of my favourite classic novels, like Dracula and Pride and Prejudice. 

My love for classics started when I was at high school studying English literature for my International Baccalaureate program. I think it may come from way back too but let's just say for classics it was all about IB. 

Now I also like very much love stories,drama and fiction. The books can transport us to worlds we've never known and make our minds wonder to places that are unique and beautiful and even scary at times. That is why I love reading, it makes my mind travel to these awesome new and undiscovered environments. 

To complement my reading, I am thinking about purchasing an e-book reader. I haven't decided yet if I want a Nook or a Kindle but both seem so great. 

Do you have any book love out there? Let me know in the comments below! 



picture from here

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