So it's about to be 2012 here where I am at! I can't wait now! SO EXCITED
I hope the year 2011 was awesome for you and that you achieved your goals and kept your last year's resolutions and build new dreams from the ones you achieved.
I hope that 2012 is much better than the last and that you can continue enjoying live at the fullest. Say "I love you" more to the people you love and make sure that it shows, it's more than just looking and them and taking it for granted because they might just not know how much they mean to you.
Build new friendships and make the ones you already have stronger than ever. Family is the most important thing here, make them your priority because you might not know how much time left with them you are going to have, cherish each and every small second with them and spread the love around you, fight less and make people know they are beautiful inside and that is a lot more important than just looks.
And feel pretty, feel beautiful and compliment it by how you look from the outside.
Have a very happy new year with the ones you love and pray for those who are not physically here with you, because they are going to be definitely with you through your life as your guardian angels.
Remember, make love, not war. Johnn Lennon is a Legend for that, and he was so right.
Blessings, love and Happiness,