Not many people know this, but cars and me are a great combo. I am like car crazy and for being a girl I consider that I can follow up with a guys conversation about cars and the brands they love and adore. I am a speed racer by heart, so much that my driving teacher has said to me that i needed to take it easy with the acceleration and calm down, but I love the speed, and therefore fast cars are always one thing I loved. I was obsessed with Aston Martins. They are awesome and stylish and when picking the right one, you can look like a lady in a very powerful car.

Some may think that girls behind the wheel are a total danger, maybe some are and some are not, but I am standing up for Girl Power and telling all you boys, we may seem fragile but we know how to work it in our way.
We need the perfect accessories to make the outfits, the hair, the make up to be all well fitted. and a car is like a purse, a very expensive one but is the thing that will make us feel more in control of our lives.
It's been a very random post but I wanted to say more so you can get to know me a little better. And it's been long since I last talked to you guys and just wanted to update you on what was going on. I have a complete explanation about it all on my gettingfitandlight blog.
I'll link it here for you to see.
Love you all
picture is from here