Monday, June 13, 2011

Healthy Spotlight: Healthy Eating and top 10 foods to improve your diet!

Hi everyone

i was searching the internet and kind of stumbled upon an amazing site that shows how to balance your food and making it fresh ans not boring at all. shows how to plan a meal and which foods to combine in order to take a full vitalizing and vitamin intake of good foods. They help to keep your body free of bad stuff such as saturated fats that, if consumed too much, can fill your arteries and block them with the grease and cause heart attacks, embolisms and more. 

It is a good thing that more people are being aware of what they eat so that the obesity is taken over with healthy choices and the life expectancy is longer. 

Now i also found a good site that talks about the 10 healthiest foods in the world and I was amazed with it and realized that we sometimes just don't know the benefits a banana has or a kiwi, which are really good. It is a study from the Lance Armstrong Organization LIVESTRONG. 

I hope you guys find this information useful and feel free to send me your comments and how you take healthy food habits in your life. 


* I am not affiliated to any of the sites mentioned in this blog nor received an economic compensation to talk about them or show their content. 

1 comment:

  1. hey i just started following you,please follow me too,i would really apreciate it


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