Thursday, February 23, 2017

Health | GM Diet Diary: Day 3

Day 3.

Let me just say that every day it improves, I was not as hungry as I was the first 2 days. Although I do have to deal with some temptations (like cakes and french fries), my will power is proving to be strong.

The diet dictated to eat veggies and fruits, the amount you wanted, only not eating bananas nor tomatoes. I could handle it.

Although my energy is still low, it has not been bad, I don't feel very drained, but by the time I was writing this post, I felt the need to lay down in bed and watch an episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians.

After everything it was a day without any surprise, it all was smooth and I started feeling some results, my pants are starting to feel looser and that is a great motivation!

As a final thought, I would like to say...keep up, the end result is worth the struggle and the juggle.

Hope you enjoyed this day.

With love,


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