Monday, June 12, 2017

Fashion | Cold weather

Finally here in Lima is being a little colder, cold enough to wear coats when outside and a light weight, long sleeve blouse when inside.

I personally enjoy bundling up during the colder months here. But as much as I'd love to wear my comfortable pj bottoms and my lambskin boots, I can't. I have to work and, let me tell you something, sometimes it's not easy! Getting out of bed is harder, and getting undressed to get dressed for the office is torture. I have come to the realization that doing everything to be functional in the cold is all about will power.

For this to be possible, I rely in a few little things, that may have made an appearance in the blog a few times in the past.

1) Scarves:

The chunkiest and softest ones, the better.

2) Gloves:

I always have a black pair made out of wool which are cute, girly and of course sober, suitable for the office.

3) Coats:

I love coats, they are my go to outer wear piece for when I go out and have to keep warm and also look presentable.

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