I've had the craziest month. Some ups and downs came my way, and have been really learning experiences. Loved them and also hated them. It's things like these that make me open my eyes and understand how much time I spend trying to multitask, but it is actually not working at all. I can do some things at the same time, but have figure out that if I just do one thing, finish it and then continue with the next, is going to make my life easier and stay on top of my game.
Yesterday I heard a phrase that is stuck on my head, "It doesn't matter the speed of the things you do, it matters how you do them and how well you perform them". Well yes, I have been trying lately to keep up with the craziness. I just can't any more. I am not following it, it's not my pace.
For June, my goal is to go at my speed, don't try to multitask cause that is making me fall behind. I sometimes think that the whole world if pushing me to walk faster than I am used to, but this time, I just want to take it my way.
May has been, most definitely, a learning month, one that has made me open my eyes and be struck with reality. Being a grown up is certainly more difficult. You just have to learn how to handle things and go with your own speed.
I hope your month is starting off right!
have a great day!
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Thank you for reading and commenting! I hope you have a great experience here and that your day is a little more bareable