Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Life | Things happen

After a long hiatus, I am back!


I feel like these past few months away from here have been a little hard on me. Yes, it has been a while and it is no excuse to tell you that life happens. I love having this space for me to talk about everything and to express my little, somewhat messy thoughts in a great community like this one, and so here ot comes, the but of all fears, I have been having trouble concentrating, talking and writing, my imagination and creativity, in writing at least, has been minimum and I just couldn't find the energy to keep up with this, and to me this isn't a place where I do something halfway, I like it to be good and up to my standards. 

In the few months I've been away I got a gym membership (to which i have gone only a 5 weeks of the 3 months i have payed already), I was assigned an adviser for my dissertation in International Business, helped my cousin organize my niece's first birthday party (which turned out super cute), gained 5 pounds and feel horrible about it, bought the new harry potter book (play or whichever) and loved it and last but not least, started a food diary, got into crafting and continued painting my mandalas. 

These lead to a couple of things that have been calming my thoughts, like having a bit of me time, because in my head there has been chaos and I couldn't seem to shut it out and I have felt out of focus, and having a little family time. 

As I was saying, I am back and better than ever, feeling a little more focused, ready to conquer my passions and feel good about life, stop worrying so much and just breath in the good. 

Expect several new and different posts in the near future, because through everything that has been going on, I never stopped thinking which content will be awesome to share with all of you <3 

With love, 


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