Monday, March 14, 2016

Healthy Eating: Quinoa Burger

Or should I say Healthy-ish? the fries kind of made it a little less healthy but just to let you know...the majority of them went to the rest of the crew who I went to lunch with. 

You may have already discovered what this is by the title of this post, that it is a Quinoa Burger. A burger made out of Quinoa. Amazingly delicious. And it has no meat in eat. It is Vegan friendly! (not that I am one, but some of my friends are and they love it). 

This delicious burger can be tasted, if you are in Lima around summer time, in Pattiserie Di, in Av. La Fontana 550. This is my Alma Matter Pattiserie and students themselves cook (of course culinary arts students) and serve the amazing food they have to offer. (Desserts are my favorite!) 

Quinoa is a super food which has a lot of nutritional attributes and if paired with the right foods, you will have the best out of it. 

This burger is served in a Quinoa/ Chia homemade bun and it has onion rings, lettuce, tomato and a Criolla sauce (Peruvian specialty) which gives it a lot of flavor. 

I truly was pleasantly surprised by how tasty it was that I have eaten it more than once during the course of 3 weeks. My bad. But too good to pass. 

This one post has been very difficult to write because every time I looked up to the photo, it was imposible for me to not crave it and want to go and eat it. 

I hope you have an amazing day and, if you are around the area, just go check it out, or find a restaurant near you which might have it. 

With love, 


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